Tag Archives: Greatest love

The Greatest Love….

OK, I DO wish you all have a great Valentine’s Day!

The truth is that I think I’m sort of mixed about Valentine’s Day. On the one hand, I think my DH and I have always said it’s really just another day because we’ve spent so many Valentine’s Days (like other holidays) apart, it could very well be a defense mechanism thing. And it would be nice to be able to have him at home permanently PERIOD, and perhaps we would  be able to plan something nice for the day… without having to worry about making sure we do something extra for us AND the kids because they’ve missed him too, etc.  I don’t think that would be that much of an issue if he were just permanently home because we wouldn’t have to feel like we have to cram YEARS of holidays and sharing and just being together to whatever time he has at home before he deploys or transfers again.

Although, I really think that the fact that we’ve been apart so many time and for so long during days like these, has really made us appreciate EVERY single day. A nice gesture, a nice comment, a love letter, flowers, an unexpected-just because-kiss, etc., is just as meaningful on say…. October 4th (or on any other RANDOM day) as it is on February 14th, no? Actually, I think perhaps even more so, for me anyway. We had decided when we started dating that we would do stuff like that for each other randomly and not just put all the emphasis on Valentine’s day.

So, although Valentine’s Day can be a pretty great and romantic holiday… for DH and I, it’s another day. 😉 Love… is for today and every other day!

We do share this day of love with our girls also. The girls go through a lot with daddy gone so often, etc., so we try to do special things for them, as we try to do throughout the year. But, now that I think about it, we do tend to make the holidays more for them. Our girls get VERY down when there are Father/Daughter events and DH is not around. They feel like they can’t participate… they don’t WANT to participate, even though my dad would gladly step in… he is NOT daddy! SO, we try to do special stuff for them to help them feel extra special on these days. And since we’re always trying to do things to surprise them and such, sometimes it’s not so easy. Tomorrow, my husband will be contacting us through SKYPE at an unexpected time and surprising the girls. 🙂

Still, although I LOVE my husband-more than anyone else on Earth, and my kids.  I love my family. My friends. I can really say that the best, most fulfilling, most overwhelming, and most complete love I have comes from My God! If you have been following the blog for a bit, you know I’ve made no secret about it… I am a Christian, and I LOVE my God! I cannot tell you how many time I’ve been absolutely overwhelmed to tears, without being able to speak, just from His goodness.

I remember one day I was absolutely overwhelmed and I didn’t even know what to do with myself. So, I drove to the church parking lot. I sat in the car and just sobbed… I mean the deep cry, the one where you can hardly breath because it’s just taking over your body. The assistant Pastor, at the time, happen to walk out of the building and saw me in my car. He came up and asked if I was OK. I just kept crying and said, “God is SO good to me!” He smiled, put his hand on my shoulder and said, “Yes, He loves you and it’s wonderful!” Shortly after telling me that I could go into the sanctuary if I wanted to sit there instead of the car, and me saying I was fine… he left. After a few more minutes of crying I was able to gather myself and eventually went back home.

I cannot tell you how many times He manifests himself in my life. I really wish everyone could experience what I do. I certainly have my moments..there’s still A LOT I have to work on, and that makes it even greater! The fact that I fall SO, SO, SO very short, and he STILL shows Himself to me ALL the time and in the most fascinating and extremely overwhelming of ways. I mean, ways that you just KNOW it’s Him!

SO, today on Valentine’s Day… when I’m grateful to have my Dear Husband, a man who has been with me through things that I KNOW not many men would have stuck through, a man who has worked with me through some tough times, a man who is one of the most loving, selfless, and giving people I have EVER met, a man who keeps working on becoming better along with me… and as I know that today I will have a great day with the kids and do something fun with them to celebrate, and as I know I have the love of family and friends, I though I would tell you about what I think the GREATEST LOVE of all is:

“For God so loved the world (YOU), that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him (YOU), shall not perish but have everlasting life.” 

I really pray that as you read this you have the type of relationship with Jesus like I have, because it’s absolutely amazing, and I tell you  it’s overwhelmingly wonderful… there’s just NOTHING like it. If you don’t know Him like I do, feel free to comment or email me and I’ll be honored to pray with you.

If you know what I’m talking about, I invite you to continue to spread the news and share His gift with someone today! You’ll be sharing the Greatest Love of all!

Happy Valentine’s Day everyone!

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